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LUDT Study Courses

Who can enroll to LUDT

Any person over 18, male of female, who has studied Dance at a suitable level, can enroll.

Usually, our students are very motivated people, who would like to learn and get specialized in the field of Dance Teaching, Dance – Theatre, or becoming professionals as Shows’ Advisor.


Auditions are held by videotape/dvd, from any January to October, but August.
Auditionees must submit their ballet/modern dance class.
The audition fee is 25 euros.
Auditionees must send the fee and the application form, and the DVD to the LUDT central office, piazza Togliatti 11/13, 46047, Porto Mantovano, Mantova (Italy).

To guarantee a high level of Teaching and tutoring, LUDT accept 60 enrollments at the most; of all these, 20 reserved to foreign students.


 Enrolling at LUDT means...  

  • becoming a well-rounded Dance Teacher, learning not just ballet techniques but also didactics and methodology;   

  • offering to your students’ parents a further guarantee: the assurance their sons’ teacher is very well prepared and is linked with a tough and international organization;

  • having the opportunity of qualified training, doing the first job experience during the formation period; 

  • Having the possibility to study everywhere in the world, at the best International Dance Centers

  • Getting a free advising about a Dance School’s opening; 

  • Having a favored procedure in getting the LUDT Affiliation;

  • Having the possibility to take part in the LUDT projects, on the Italian and international ground.
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