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Under the patronage of the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research
The Ministry of Education, Universities and Research has granted the patronage to the Dance in Italy Festival, given the cultural and highly artistic content of LUDT's initiative.

The Festival
offers the combination of a Dance Workshop and a Performance Platform for the international audience and performing arts professionals to enjoy; in Vado Ligure di Savona, located on the Italian shore of the Ligurian Sea. Faculty of the University of Dance, Theater and Liberal Arts (LUDT) and Guests of the New York City based Ajkun Ballet Theatre team up to present a well rounded program for Dance Students and Teachers in a Vacation Study setting.
The following information is designed for Dancers age 13 and above.
Information about classes for Young Dancers (age 3-12 years old) may be obtained by emailing .

Daily classes, for beginners, intermediate
and advanced, are sided by rehearsals for the final performance.
Dance Teachers are welcome to observe or partake in the training classes and may attend seminars in the methodologies Vaganova and Ajkun©.
Chiara Ajkun and the Artists of the Ajkun Ballet Theatre Company will teach classes exclusive to the Festival. For Faculty Information, please click Ajkun Ballet Theatre and Artists or visit
Daily Classes:
ballet, variations en pointe, choreographic laboratory, modern jazz.
Saturday: Enjoy Sightseeing!

Participants of the Workshop will perform on the last Saturday, in choreographies learned throughout the classes. Free event.
Professional Outlets
During the Festival you may:
Audition for the Company Ajkun Ballet Theatre its programs for Trainee, and the intensive Performing in New York
by Audition, in person or by DVD.
Information (date, place, form) click Audition
email us at:
We welcome all inquiries
LUDT – DINI, via Vittorio Veneto 80, 46047 Porto Mantovano (MN), Italy
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