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What the LUDT Dance & Theatre is

The LUDT is a cultural Corporation, which deals with Dance Formation, Dance Teachers' Refreshment and International events' Organization since more than 20 years. From the '90s onwards, LUDT has renews its administrative structure which has become cooler, quicker and more effective. The LUDT has maintained its Administrative Office in Mantua, structuring itself on the whole Italian ground, building up a valid an operative network based on Patronages and Affiliated Fine and High Quality Schools.

The Didactic activities are carried out in the Patronage Schools: in this way, LUDT Students have the possibility to attend easily lessons in Excellent and Superior Schools.

The LUDT Commission, frequently present at the Affiliated and Patronage Schools, guarantees Teachers and Students' level thanks to Refresher Courses and Advanced Stages by International Artists coming from main Centers of Dance Excellence of the entire world.

Since the last years, the foreign students' attendance to LUDT initiatives is significantly increasing: that is why the LUDT has decided to open its Study Courses to Foreign Students, offering them the opportunity to study in Italy or abroad, to complete their Formation way.

Thank to the International LUDT partnerships, the LUDT offers to its top students the possibility to study in the best Dance Centers of the world, accomplishing a complete formation in the field of Dance Teaching. The period of formation abroad can last from one to eighteen months: examinations abroad will be automatically recognized in the LUDT system.

Since 2008, the LUDT has opened the possibility to foreign Schools to get the prestigious LUDT Affiliation, using all the advantages this cooperation offers.
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